You'll just get an error that password is incorrect, even if you enter your current Admin password. Apple may provide or recommend responses as a possible solution.

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I have a imac software restore cd can i use that to reset password. I tried to reboot but it is not letting me. Wenn du das nicht bist, kannst du den Wiederherstellungsmodus auf deinem Mac nutzen, um das Dienstprogramm Passwort wiederherstellen zu nutzen Question: Q: I have mac 10.4.11 and i forgot the admin password. Wenn du dich mit deiner Apple ID auf deinem Mac eingeloggt hast, kannst du darüber vielleicht dein Admin-Passwort zurücksetzen. You can verify this by going to the Users & Groups pane of System Preferences and looking for the Allow users to reset password using Apple ID option. The only caveat to using Apple ID to recover Mac password is that the feature is sometimes deactivated. Because Apple ID is used to verify iTunes and App Store purchases, among many other things, Mac users rarely forget it.
It's been possible to reset admin password on Mac computers using Apple ID since Mac OS X 10.7. If you're asked to select an admin user you know the password for, click Forgot all passwords? 4 Ways to Reset a Lost Admin Password on Mac OS X - wikiHo If you're asked to create a new keychain to store the user's passwords, click OK to restart your Mac. Fill in the necessary fields and hit Enter If your Mac doesn't restart, but immediately asks for your Apple ID credentials, enter that information and click Reset Password. Select the user you want to reset the password for, then click Reset Password. You will have to enter the username and password of that user again. Click on the padlock in the bottom-left corner of the window. You can find this in your Applications folder. Type resetpassword and press Return to open the Reset.

Select Utilities > Terminal to open a Terminal window. If you know your password, you can change it from the Users & Groups menu Reset Your Administrator Password Using the Recovery HD Partition Restart the Mac while holding down the Command+R keyboard combination to enter the macOS Recovery partition. You can also reset a password with another admin account on the computer. If you aren't you can use Recovery Mode on your Mac to open the Reset Password utility. If you're logged into your Mac with your Apple ID account, you may be able to use it to reset your admin password. Home Mac forgot admin password Forgot Your Password? - 1Password Official Sit